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"I don't know how good Chinese buffets are in the middle of Wyoming."

"Crazy is like a delicious slice of ollalaberry pie; it's sweet, tart, and you have absolutely no idea what ollalaberries are."

"She felt a connection...this underlying, magnetic pull that kept her interest in him forever on a back burner, like a pot of bubbling water just waiting for him to turn up the heat and force her to boil over."

"We're here, where it all moves in one hypnotic orbit. We're here, smiling because we'll never get used to it."

"It' didn't matter."

""Jesus in drag."

"It was my favorite sort of day, one good for nearly anything."

"I cut and paste myself to fit the mold."

""I am different. Different enough to be confused."


"We were never together, but our conversations, with their cyclical ebbs and flows, were something akin to the unpredictable predictability of the rise and fall of an ocean tide; a loop of exchanges ever-varying in degrees of gravity—eventually resulting in a sense of closeness and comfortability between one another that neither of us had known before."

"There's a certain air of familiarity that surrounds two people who have been in love. A certain way that they see each other, speak to each other, touch each other....  It's as though they are attempting to recapture the memory of the spark that was once there, remembering only the moments when they fell together so easily. There is a certain air to love that makes people forget the mistakes, but there is a certain air to truth that demands to be told. And it is truth that is erected like a barrier between familiarity and love. "

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