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Kayla Duffey

Favorite Color

“My favorite color is turquoise. Because, I don’t know, just looking at it makes me happy. Like it’s not blue and sad and it’s not green and weird, it’s like in between. I’m drawn to it.”

A Conversation WIth...

“Robin Williams. He just speaks and whatever comes to his mind he just says, so I just want to listen to him, to be honest. Like maybe I’ll give him a few prompting questions about like what happened at the end of his life, and stuff like that.  But also, I just love to laugh, and he always makes me laugh. Like, I recently was watching a little bit of his on Who’s Line is it Anyway? and I just miss him so much. He’s such a great comedian.” 

Favorite Quality

“My favorite quality would have to be: my ability to listen. And like give advice, I think. I have a lot of friends who are very talkative. Like, I’ve noticed, I tend to attract people who like to talk and not to listen. But like, I’ll switch it up on them and I’ll say something that happened to me in my life, and like, I can tell that they’re listening, but it’s just so they can think about the next thing they have to say about themselves, and for me, I just like kind of shut up and let them talk and then interject when I need to like give you know, advice or support.”

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My Story

“When I was like thirteen, my mom got diagnosed with like a really rare cancer— like mutation sort of thing. So basically, I have three younger brothers and my dad had to work, so I kind of had to take care of them and kind of like mature…within a few years while she was going through treatment. And just kind of grow up to be who I am today, because of that jump in maturity that I had to go through.”

Life Philosophy: "IF you Don't take a chance now, you're most likely going to regret it Later."  

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