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Genesis Taber

Favorite Color

“Grey. I don’t know why. I’ve just always been drawn to it. I think it looks really nice. I’ll actually go shopping and try to buy like more bright and colorful stuff, and then always end up buying grey.” 

A Conversation With...

“Probably an explorer. There’s this one really famous paleontologist…EDIT

Favorite Quality

"I guess I like two things about myself: I’m really resilient and try to be a kind person.” 

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My Story

“I was up at this summer camp and it was like a rock climbing summer camp. We had been there for a week and like everyone— we had like a twelve person passenger van that we’d stuffed all our gear in—and so it’s like a six hour drive back to our base camp and so about, I don’t know, two hours in, we stopped at a gas station. Everyone’s tired— we’ve been climbing for days and like everyone’s knocked out around me, bags are everywhere, so I can’t really see the people who are driving, so they’re going to get gas and so I tell the person next to me who’s like half asleep— but who I thought was awake— that I’m going to go to the bathroom. I was like, I’ll be right back— and I was like fourteen at this point, you know, I was young. And I go to the bathroom, and I come out, and the van is completely gone. And you know, like, I’m this little fourteen year old, I don’t know what to do! So I go back inside and I’m like— I don’t have my phone or anything— so I go back inside and I tell the people at the counter “I kind of got left.” And while I’m saying this, there’s a woman and her toddler walking in— the girl’s like, I don’t know, around four— and a person slams the door open and hits the toddler right in the head. The toddler is like gushing blood— like legit— the mother is freaking out and I’m just standing there like just watching this. And so eventually the cops come, and the paramedics come for the toddler. And eventually the cop says, “Just come sit in this car.” And I’m sitting with the cop— and his girlfriend was in there— so I’m sitting with his girlfriend in the backseat. And I don’t know how they contacted the people from my camp— but they actually drove all the way back to base before they realised I was gone. So, I’m sitting there for like, I don’t know, four hours in this cop car. And yeah— they literally got all the way back to where it was without noticing I was gone. Eventually I get back in the van and we get back to camp.”

Life PhiLosophy: "You only regret the things you don't do." 

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