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Jen Woolard

Favorite Color

“I go in between colors all the time. Probably my favorite would be yellow. It’s so vibrant and happy and I know everybody’s favorite color is yellow, but it just makes me happy.”

A Conversation With..

"Stephen Hawking and his theories about the universe.” 

Favorite Quality

“My favorite quality about myself is that I’m a very positive person. I look at everything in a very positive way."

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My Story

“One time— I have super crazy dreams, and that’s why I base my writing off of it so much because they’re crazy and weird and vibrant and happen for no reason. This one dream I had, I was at a Las Vegas showcase of something. And the lights were dimming and I felt really scared all of a sudden. I knew that whatever was going to happen I didn’t want to watch it, because it was going  to make me scared. And so, I got up and I was just like, “I’m just going to remove myself from the situation.” And so I got up and started walking down this hallway backstage and it was dark and suddenly I was reminded that this is like the hallway you’re walking to when you go to see a move. And so sure enough, I end up in a movie theater and it’s completely empty, so I go and sit up at the very top in the backseat. People start filing in and they all have popcorn  and stuff and they’re ready to watch a movie. The theater curtain is down and the lights are dimmed and it rises and instead of a screen, it’s just the beach— the ocean. And everybody had just come out to watch the ocean— the sunset over the ocean, instead of a movie. And that was really interesting, to me. "

Life Philosophy:  "Always have a positive outlook and it's okay to romanticize things." 

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