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Casey Gallagher

Favorite Color

"Forest green. I don't know why. It's dark and green. I just like it." 

A Conversation With...

"I want to meet Jesse Eisenberg. I don't even know what we'd talk about. That's why i want to meet him. He seems like a very cool person." 

Favorite Quality

"I'm pretty good at flying under the radar or like just doing just enough. I like that I can do that." 

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My Story: 

When I was younger, I had a parakeet named Josie. I named her Josie because I was obsessed with Josie and the Pussycats dolls the movie. And, one day— this is kind of a sad story— my brother had a parakeet too— named Psycho, because it was Psycho, and we were like letting them loose on the carpet, and they were like roaming around and stuff. And I was pretty young then, too, but I remember this very clearly. As I turned around to pick up my brother’s bird, Psycho, my leg kicked my bird, and broke its neck. I turned around, and I was freaking out. I was freaking out and I was not sure what I was supposed to do. I mean, I didn’t want it to die! So, I picked it up and took it to my room because my mom is the owner of a CPR teaching business, so I tried performing CPR on the bird and my mom came in and thought I was a psycho killing child and was yelling at me, and then later she found out it was an accident and apologized.”

Life Philosophy: "Nothing matters unless it matters to you"

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